How Hair Transplant for men can change comments about personality?

Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari
3 min readMay 29, 2021

Hair transplant for men is a wonderful technology used nowadays for those who think that the beauty of hair can change the personality image. A person’s confidence is improved and total scopes of dealings receive changes. These changes help individuals to step into the new world of opportunities. Better opportunities create room for progress. Progress invites prosperity and total life change can happen if it is done professionally with honesty and hard work in the right direction. Men share 68% of the market jobs. Most men lose their hair due to many reasons. Genetics, depression, anxiety, overwork, continuous mental stress, cancer, Gout, high blood pressure, excessive dieting, medication, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism, etc. are common reasons for hair loss. So hair transplant for men helps to back them in the professional life course as well as personal life challenges.

Hair transplant for men saves “a Man” being called baldheaded. People having full hair are more satisfying. Their physical image receives attractiveness. Baldness is psychological stress for beauty conscious people of our society. They are being underestimated most of the time. They lose self-confidence on many important occasions. Social gatherings are a source of trouble for them. They are discouraged for being incompetent for the opposite gender. A man with baldness is considered more in age than those who have full hair. This age issue creates many problems in personal and professional life. So transplant in men can solve many problems in real life. Especially it is a very serious problem for those who are students. Their self-confidence, self-esteem is disturbed by baldness and an inferiority complex enters their career.

Hair transplant in men changes the comments about the personality that we carry. It is undeniable fact that looks rule the world. Cosmetics of personality work wonder. The person with less hair or no hair is at the edge of acceptance or rejection due to the low image of his personality. According to the opinion of expert psychiatrists, the person himself is under confidence. He is reluctant most of the time to face the situations of appearance. His words and expression lack maturity. Thanks to the transplant world of hair that can take you away from all unbalance situation. Many people become afraid when they hear the name of surgery. It is not a matter to worry about in this modern and medically advance world. Hair transplant is a method of taking follicles from one part of the head and fixing them on the posh area of the head. There are steps involved in this process are mini grafting, strip grafting, punch grafting and slit grafting. All these methods are to give proper hair looks. It is very important to know that everyone is not medically suitable to get this treatment. A wise opinion of a seasoned hair transplant surgeon works in this regard.

Hair transplant for men is not a complex medical treatment that may last to care for months. There are two general methods used for hair transplant for men. One is called Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) while the other is called Follicular unit extraction (FUE). You have to discuss the method (FUSS, FUE) with your doctor in detail before starting the treatment. As for cost is involved one should be conscious about it. Whenever there is a matter of looks, smart people never go for the quantity they prefer quality. The clinics with cheap offers may affect your overall health. Mind it, professionally and medically advance and efficient hair transplant surgeries cannot be received at a low price. Moreover, If the matter is of looks, strong impressions, and careers, one should stick to high quality.



Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari

IDr Zahid Abbs sabzwari. IProfessional pychiatrist ,coroprate trainer and social as contentent writer and copy writer.