How Discipline can lead to success

Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari
4 min readMar 7, 2021


Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

The open secret of this universe is a discipline. It can colour your life with success.

Discipline means training to follow a set of rules and behaviour. It is the discipline that shapes the organization in every situation. All great men followed discipline. The destiny of the world bases on it. If discipline disappears, there will be nothing but discomforts.

The same is the case with the success of the business of life. If we breathe without allowing our body and mind in a disciplined situation, our difficulties rise every day till failures. All matters can be handled more appropriately at any level with discipline. The major difference between common and successful people’s life is discipline.

Peers with discipline live in balance and strength. This balance and strength make a difference. Disciplined people have scheduled every step. So they are successful in their everyday jobs. Their results prove their dignity because of their timetables and composed behaviours. It is a statistic fact that standards of work develop high degree because of discipline.

People around these changed figures (Disciplined people) stay impressed. Our many twists of task automatically remove because of discipline. These twits come because of an unorganized lifestyle. It is the law of nature unprepared life invites troubles to come in. When we hand over the task to unplanned situations, our life becomes a constant source of confusion, troubles and disorders.

Lack of discipline creates odds and ends. We become a slave of circumstances. Problems add distortions. So to avoid these unfavourable grades we should adopt a set of habits and behaviours. They will save us from slips and give us peace of mind.

Target your day

The first habit to develop is to target the day. Enlist the task you have to do. Be careful while arranging this list. Think, re-think and write. Make sure whatever you write in the list should not be amended. You should keep in mind your capacity of work, nature of jobs while arranging this list. Then prioritize the tasks and start completing them one by one.

Develop the art of saying “No.”

Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash

courtesy is the biggest blessing but this thing sometimes becomes a source of trouble if it is demanded to overload us. Sometimes our schedule is disturbed because of a lack of skill in saying NO. Saying No, is a great gesture if it is done professionally and ethically.

Do not debate to waste

Most of the time in personal and professional life, people around us start discussing an issue. First, they discuss and then it becomes a debate. It wastes our time while fulfilling many tasks that we have arranged for rest of the day. For a disciplined and smooth time-saving purpose, we should avoid strictly debates around us. They also affect our professional and personal relationships sometimes.

Change Old Habits

Old habits, if not productive always are a big hurdle in maintaining discipline. These habits grip our mind and make habitual our body. In this way, we stay like stagnant water. We feel pleasure to follow them. These habits kill our constructiveness. If someone has a habit of shopping and wasting many hours, he should shop online to save time.

Less use of Gadgets

No doubt, the use of the latest gadgets is common in this modern world. They have managed our many tasks. But these gadgets have also broken the social fabric. They have left us alone. Physical activities have been replaced by this mania. Unnecessary use of social media, mobile, Facebook, games most of the time waste our precious time.

Place some time in the schedule for leisure

All work without food, drink or energy will make us dull and uncomfortable. So have your meals, drinks and energizer that may keep you relaxes. After these takings, you will be active again to follow your discipline footprints. Research shows that in weary times, the voice of those to whom you love can gear you up.

Control your Emotions

When you start obeying disciplined life, your emotions will try to distract you. Sometime you will feel boredom, tiredness. Thirst for enjoyment and taking rest will awake in you. It will suppress you to leave all this. In those moments, you will have to balance yourself by sticking to your timetables.

Start Early, End timely

For better discipline, get up early and try to complete your maximum task from the first half of the day. Medical science proves that early morning time has more energy. Moreover, it is time to generate excellent ideas. The brain works ideally. It is time to grow. Same, close your day timely. Take full sleep and be relaxed.

Discipline is freedom if you practice it positively. It will satisfy you. It will save you from stress and anxiety. The task will be fulfilled in time and the business of life will go on smooth. Situations will be in your control and happiness will knock your mind. A gratified life is better to live.



Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari
Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari

Written by Dr. Zahaid Abas Sabzwari

IDr Zahid Abbs sabzwari. IProfessional pychiatrist ,coroprate trainer and social as contentent writer and copy writer.

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