5 Surprising health benefits of drinking warm lemon water
Lemon is a powerful fruit. Its flavour and smell refreshes. Its colour is eye-catching. Nature has filled it with a sour taste that is unique and full of nourishment. Lemon is used worldwide but very few people know its medical and magical benefits.
Lemon adds zest to many dishes and it offers many health benefits to the human body. The use of lemons has a history. The Greeks and Egyptian used it as a remedy for different kinds of ailments and skin diseases. Lemon has natural water that contains citric acid and vitamin C. It is widely used in medicine. One raw lemon has 17 calories without peel, 0.2 gram of fat, 0.5 gram of protein and 1.8 gram of sugar. It is a food bank of many vitamins and minerals like copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, thiamin, vitamin B6, calcium and pantothenic acid.
Since lemon fruit is packed naturally with wonderful vitamins and minerals, it brings excellent and surprising health benefits. This great fruit is known for immune-boosting, antiviral and antibacterial power in the medical world. A nice warm drinking water glass with lemon can give a healthy morning with an active day to start. Many people have a booked routine of taking coffee or teacup at the start of their morning but it is not as healthy as this amazing glass. Ancient Chinese medical books reveal that taking a glass of warm water with lemon, especially in the morning heals the body and activates body organs to respond well all day.
1-Drains Toxins from the body
Toxins harm the body if they enter it. Toxic materials may enter the body in different ways. These ways are called the route of exposure. The most common routes of exposure come through inhalation (breathing it into the lungs), skin contact, and ingestion in the workplace which occurs due to poor hygiene practices. Toxic materials are often used in the workplace. Toxic materials cause serious health effects. They can cause eye or skin irritation, skin sensitization and respiratory sensitization.
Lemon juice is a mild diuretic. The recipe of lemon juice with warm water helps the body to drain out all toxins and waste materials from the body. The citric acid in lemon helps to increase enzyme function in the body. The liver fuels up and detoxification happens in the body.
2- Progresses the Skin
Skin is a very important part of our body. It is a very sensitive part. Skin damaging and ageing are common problems in today’s life pattern. The skin helps to maintain the temperature of the body, immune defence and vitamin production.
Drinking water is a wonderful agent that nourishes the skin. It provides positivity in creating sensation factor in it. If lemon juice is added to water that is a pure source of Vitamin C the result will be amazing. It will fight with free radicles that damage the skin and cause the ageing problem.
3-Reduces Uric Acid in the body
If someone is healthy it means that his body is producing enough uric acid. But eating plenty of rich purine food can increase the level of uric acid in the blood. This medical problem is called hyperuricemia. A high level of uric acid causes gout disease which is a painful illness. Lemon water helps remove the uric acid in the body that is a great blessing for joint problems. It also helps to reduce inflammation through the body.
4- Digestive Agent
Lemon has an irresistible scent that waters our mouth this waterworks for primary digestion. The saliva in the mouth start working before tasting and the breakdown of food starts. It is the first step of fast digestion. The Flavonoids and compounds available in lemon motivate the digestive system and increase secretions of acids, bile and digestive juices.
5- Weight loss
Lemon juice with a glass of warm water is an excellent weight reducer. It is a wonderful refresher for the body and mind. It gives a soft jerk of positivity. It is believed medically that it is an oxidant drink. The citric acid available in lemon burns the fats in the body quickly and reduces weight.
To cut short, lemon is a bank for a healthy life. Its blessings are countless. It is a heal up agent for respiratory disorders. Its vitamin C protects the eyes from ageing. Lemon contains a special compound that is helpful for healing peptic and oral ulcers. The acids present in lemon helps in the excretion system to wash and cleaning off the tracts in constipation. The root cause of gum problems is the deficiency of Vitamin C. Use of lemon juice with warm water can help to heal ulcers and wounds of gums.
But while using lemon, avoid eating its seeds. Chewing or swallowing seeds can be fatal.