10 important tips to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace
Sexual harassment means an assurance of reward for sexual favours. It may cover some joke on the figure of a person that mentally disturbs, request for sexual agreement or inappropriate physical touch or assaults.
Most of the time it is verbal abuse. It is a behaviour that may have several personal and social backgrounds. It has been a common issue in every society. Mostly women of tender age become the victim of this issue. Women or men with an appealing figure may face this situation.
People who face this situation feel much and their morale is down. More than 75% of the victim of it never noise officially. They fight with themselves and remain in a fix on what to do or what not to do. Entire personality collapse comes in. Emotional and physical issues start. The target of this matter goes into inferiority. As a result, psychological issues take birth like unease, sadness, and tension.
It has been observed through research that the confidence of the person going through this situation declines. His sensations compel him towards low self-esteem. The prey to this environment goes into loss of sleep and taste. Most of the time his weight remains unstable. Headache is a common complaint in such cases. People in this scenario remain tired, indifferent and try to quit their jobs. This results in financial loads and depressions. The environment of an organization is polluted and profits turn down to losses.
Here are tips to avoid this unpleasant situation.
1. Be Reserve but professional
Although it is not guaranteed that you will be safe from this problem by keeping your reserve but still it can bring the solution to many problems. People around us take a deep interest in those colleagues who are outspoken. Friendly nature sometimes creates confusion among persons around us. They grasp it with a different lens. These ill people take it to their nature and start gossiping. To be reserve with professional manners may save you from a bad end.
2. Focus on your dress
Most of the time nature of our dress invites others to pay attention and think ill for us. One should be very decent while choosing a dress. A dress which exposes body parts prominently may misrepresent other’s eyes and filthy mind. Your dress shows your feelings. In the workplace, there should be a formal dress that may cover one’s sensational body parts. It would be a safe tunnel to work in.
3. be careful in your gestures
Most of the time our colleagues misunderstand our gestures and start thinking bad. Use close words that may give a clear message of question. Try not to say all the time “You are always welcome “instead you may say “thank you “. Never accept the gifts if you feel the person is just doing it for misuse. Have a deep eye on the people around you. Never accept lunch, drive if the person is improper in gestures and talks.
4. Report Immediately
If you are discomforted sexually, you must report it to your supervisor first hand. Discuss the situation. Explain your feelings clearly. This will make you strong and you will get yourself in legal support if needed.
5. Consult your Psychiatrist
As has been mentioned earlier that most such cases have not been reported. People victim of such a situation feels it disgrace on their self-esteem to share it with anyone. But mind it, such problems may get into several psychological disorders. So you should consult your psychiatrist if you feel yourself under hot water.
6. Leave the place if not responded
To remain in a stressful place may cause many other untold issues. If you’re not responded in a way, leave the place. Do not stick to such places. If you will, your destruction of personality may occur.
7. Share with your supporters
Our friends and family members are our real support. They know you and can rebuild you. They may comfort you and suggest reasonably. So do not feel shy to do it. Never think that you are going to fight with the situation alone. It will raise your spirits.
8. Be Fierce
One needs to be brave and expressive when such issues happen. Be fierce to a person who is going to take you under his ill-minded shield. Speak up at the moment and try to seek help around.
9. Attend seminars, workshops and awareness programs
Awareness and training to handle sexual harassment are very important. It strengths the person’s confidence and information level. One can face such a situation manly. These programs are also aware of how to sense these issues in time.
10. Study the policy, before joining the organization
Before joining the organization, study the POSH policy of the organization. It will explain to you how you have to respond legally and timely.
Sexual harassment is a serious problem. Do not ignore it and respond in time that may save you from many hitches.